Preset Data Files (for version 7)
Here you can download common events (such as holidays) to import into your Desktop Calendar. If you would like to suggest some dates, or have spotted a mistake please let me know using the contact form.
Step 1 - Downloading
Choose a data file from the right-hand side of the page and click its 'Download' button. If you're using Internet Explorer, you will be presented with the usual download options:
Click the 'Save' button and you'll be asked where you want to download the file to. I'd recommend the Desktop because it's memorable, but you can download it anywhere as long you can find it again later.
Click 'Save' to download the file.
Step 2 - Backing up your existing events (optional)
This step is optional but recommended. If something unexpected should happen during the import, or you decide you don't want the imported events after all, it's much easier to roll back if you have a copy of your original events safe somewhere. To perform the backup, follow the steps in this guide:
Desktop Calendar 7 FAQ - How do I export events? (Data File)
Step 3 - Importing the data file
Open the import wizard by clicking on the down arrow at the top of the calendar and selecting "Import":
NOTE: You can also open the import and export wizards from the "Data" tab in the settings.
The wizard will appear, select "Data File" for the file type and click "Next":
Now click on the folder icon to the right of the file name box. A dialog box will appear asking you to select a data file. Choose the file you downloaded in Step 1 and click "Open".
You will now see the file name you selected in the wizard and the option "Don't add items that are already present". This means if there are any events that are the same (i.e. duplicates) then they will be ignored. It is recommended you keep this option ticked. Click on "Next" to move to the next step.
You will then be asked which dates and types of events you want to import. The date range options are pretty self explanatory. "All dates" includes every event in the Data File. "From today onwards" includes all the events after and including the date you're importing on. And "Selected dates" makes two drop down calendars appear allowing you to pick your own date range.
You can also choose which type of events you want to import e.g. only Weekly, Monthly etc. If you want everything to be included, make sure all the boxes are ticked. When you're finished, click "Next".
Now just check the details are correct and click "Finish".
If the operation was successfully, the following message should appear telling you how many events were imported: